Sales Training

The fun and interactive program teaches sales people:
- How clients actually buy (what really goes on in their brain)
- Which sales questions to ask (to leverage the neuroscience of buying)
- What to say so both the client and salesperson have the same areas of their brain activated (this way clients are better engaged)
- The 2 best ways to influence clients’ buying decisions (based on neuroscience and results)
- The surprising 4 sentences that cause clients to buy (all founded on research of what increases sales)
- How to end sales conversations for better results (with 3 practical steps)
To build upon Profitable Sales Conversations… with Brain Science, additional sales training includes:
- Profitable Prospecting – Your team members discover which method of prospecting they are a natural fit for and which prospecting methods will give them the best results sooner
- Profitable Referrals – Your sales team learns how to ask for referrals more effectively, identify which of 3 ideals times to ask for referrals is best (based on their clients), and develop a referral strategy
- Profitable Networking – Your team discovers the 10 key principles of networking and develops an easy to execute plan to make their networking more effective
- Profitable Proposals – Together your team uses one of your company’s typical proposals as a real example and connects it to a conversation to discover how they can improve and measure the success of their future proposals (before they send them out)
- Profitable Presentations – Your team improves their current sales presentations real time as they learn key ways to make their presentations more impactful
- Sales Questions Workshop – Your team’s sales questions determine the direction, length, quality and profitability of their sales conversations. During this workshop, your team develops, polishes and practices more effective sales questions based on the neuroscience of how clients make their buying decisions
- Sales Story Workshop – Your team’s client stories have the power to better engage clients in their buying decisions. During this workshop, your team develops, polishes and practices a results-proven story process to make their sales conversations more profitable
We also design customized sales training for special requirements, such as contact center staff, non-sales professionals including engineers and scientists, IT team members, agricultural experts, and other diverse niche markets.

During the Selling with Integrity program, salespeople:
- Take a sales diagnostic to determine what they need to sell more
- Create a sales tool to help them sell more in less time
- Learn what to say at the beginning of their sales conversations to better engage their prospects
- Practice and polish what they ask prospects
- Better plan for their sales conversations
- Develop a profitable sales conversation strategy
- Determine what to say depending on prospects’ needs
- Discover how to best complete their sales conversations so clients make the decision to buy
- Develop their sales skills to the next level
The Selling with Integrity program is delivered in 6 phases, 1 to 2 weeks apart. It is designed for up to 12 individuals per group. The program includes:
- Interviews with each participant (including a diagnostic about what they need to sell more)
- Sales workshop #1 (customized to the needs of the group – it can include the neuroscience content)
- Sales coaching session for each participant
- Sales workshop #2 (customized to the needs of the group)
- Sales coaching session for each participant
- Sales observation followed by a sales coaching session for each salesperson
Following the completion of the Selling with Integrity program each participant receives a weekly Sales Tip delivered electronically to their email for 1 year.
Your Selling with Integrity program is designed to provide your team with what they need to sell more, better, sooner and more often. Your CSI sales training is customized and delivered in short periods over a series of weeks to provide sustainability and increase your team’s sales results.
Before delivering any program, we use diagnostics to better understand your team’s needs so we can tailor the program to your group.
Also, if you have new members join your team after we do the training for your team, we offer courses online and/or with live virtual delivery. Your new team members can join one of the online and/or live virtual courses on a schedule that best suits them.
All materials are designed for in-person, virtual and/or licensed delivery. The choice is yours!
Sales Coaching for Salespeople
If you are a salesperson, you may wish to have sales coaching for you. With this in mind, we will work with you to provide you with valuable sales coaching sessions.